Saturday, 13 December 2008
Leaky Roof
When we renovated the house, we replaced many roof tiles to ensure the roof would remain watertight. We rely entirely on these tiles to hold out the rain as there is no waterproof membrane or lining beneath them. Normally, this provides perfectly adequate protection from the elements, and I am told that is a relatively common roof structure for old houses in the area.
We think that some of the tiles may have become cracked when we installed the TV satellite dish, and this, combined with the very heavy rains, has caused the leak. I say we "think," because the rain has not stopped long enough for anyone to go up to the roof to find the problem and fix it!
Meanwhile, water has soaked into the middle bedroom's wall. It probably will not cause any real damage - the walls are stone after all. We will just need to re-paint and perhaps repair a bit of plaster, but we're still anxious to fix the leak as soon as possible.
The rain has to stop sometime doesn't it?
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
A River Wild
Back in Bagni di Lucca last weekend, the river had really risen from when I last saw it in October. A furious torrent filling almost the entire riverbed had replaced the shallow waters running over and between rocks, and the ugly concrete barrier had become a flowing waterfall.

Here's what the river looked like last summer:

Thursday, 25 September 2008
A Brief Visit

Unfortunately, we can only stay for a long weekend. I know our stay will seem much too short and before we know it, it will be time to leave.
Hopefully we can spend more time there during the coming months. Autumn and Winter in northern Tuscany are much quieter than in the summer, and even in Winter, the weather seems nice to those of us who have become accustomed to the cold, wet and dreary days in London or New England.

Monday, 1 September 2008
A Delightful Garden
Saturday, 30 August 2008
The upstairs with its grey and white tile:

The expanded downstairs bathroom, with new laundry area and shower, also came out well.

Next post, out to the garden. . .
Thursday, 28 August 2008
The main bedroom with its rich wooden furniture. . .

the simplicity of the second double bedroom. . .

and the coziness of the twin bedroom. . .

More to come. . .
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Kitchen and Living Room Photos

The main living room is spacious and inviting.

The room facing the river with the large fireplace has turned out great - an especially comfortable room for reading and relaxing.

I will save pictures of the bedrooms upstairs for the next post.
Thursday, 14 August 2008
Settling In
We've spent the first few days here shopping for various odds and ends, including some rugs, pictures and other various decorative items. I think we're finally about shopped-out, which is good since we've also just about tapped-out the wallet!
Now, we're looking forward to a few days of nothing but rest! I will post some new pictures soon.
Friday, 8 August 2008
Zipping Around Town
Plus, Vespas are cool!
Of course, there's always the danger of falling and breaking my arm (or head!).
And then there's this potential image factor to consider. . .
An Extended Stay

Thursday, 7 August 2008
A New Bridge
You can see the base of the bridge under construction in the picture below on the far right. Our house is at the far left, still half white, half-yellow.

The other side of the bridge will connect here:
When finished, the bridge will span the river at this point.
You will notice that the not much water currently runs through the riverbed. I am told that they have reduced the flow by closing a dam further up river so that they can complete the construction. They have also filled in a lot with rocks and built a barrier across it (below). Before, this area was filled with rushing rapids.
Supposedly, once the water flow is restored, this will again become rapids and the barrier will form a waterfall. I hope this happens soon, as the sound of the gushing water in the river is a great feature of our house. We would like to enjoy it!
Wednesday, 6 August 2008
Retail Awareness

Most of all, the experience proved a big confidence builder, both in using the language and in gaining the ability to accomplish what would be routine tasks at home in a different and sometimes intimidating environment.
Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Unfortunately, our indispensable project manager / interpreter was not there when we discussed the options with the landscaper, and my Italian remains pretty rudimentary despite all of the lessons, so we're not really sure exactly what we chose in the end.
I'm sure we did get across that we wanted red and white flowers, and we're pretty sure about the shrubbery and hedges, but we will wait with great anticipation to see what we actually get.
Saturday, 2 August 2008
Outfitting the Kitchen