The upstairs with its grey and white tile:

The expanded downstairs bathroom, with new laundry area and shower, also came out well.

Next post, out to the garden. . .
The story of a house in Tuscany
I will save pictures of the bedrooms upstairs for the next post.
Of course, there's always the danger of falling and breaking my arm (or head!).
And then there's this potential image factor to consider. . .
The other side of the bridge will connect here:
When finished, the bridge will span the river at this point.
You will notice that the not much water currently runs through the riverbed. I am told that they have reduced the flow by closing a dam further up river so that they can complete the construction. They have also filled in a lot with rocks and built a barrier across it (below). Before, this area was filled with rushing rapids.
Supposedly, once the water flow is restored, this will again become rapids and the barrier will form a waterfall. I hope this happens soon, as the sound of the gushing water in the river is a great feature of our house. We would like to enjoy it!