This weekend we return to Bagni di Lucca for the first time in almost five weeks. We have missed both the town and the villa during during these weeks and look forward to returning.

Now that we have finished most of the work, we can spend a restful weekend and with a little luck, enjoy some Autumn sunshine. It will be a refreshing change from London's grey September skies.
Unfortunately, we can only stay for a long weekend. I know our stay will seem much too short and before we know it, it will be time to leave.
Hopefully we can spend more time there during the coming months. Autumn and Winter in northern Tuscany are much quieter than in the summer, and even in Winter, the weather seems nice to those of us who have become accustomed to the cold, wet and dreary days in London or New England.

I've got a backlist of about thirty books to read that I hope to tackle between now and Springtime while sitting in front of a comfortable and warming fire.