Saturday, 14 June 2008

Furniture Frenzy

Before our last trip to Bagni di Lucca we set ourselves the task of purchasing the basic furniture for the house. Not knowing the delivery lead-times, we wanted to do this now to ensure that the house would at least contain a minimum amount of furniture by the end of July so that we can stay there during our August holiday.

So, armed with our shopping list and accompanied by our indispensible and fantistically efficient local project manager/interpreter, we set out to get as much accomplished as we could in one day. It really helped that we had made a couple of reconnaisance missions to the various shops during previous visits, so we had formed a pretty good idea of what we wanted and where to find it.

We hit about five or six different stores over the course of about ten hours and managed to get almost everything we set out to buy. Of course, we spent more than we wanted to spend, especially on one of the bedrooms, but overall I think we did pretty well.

The following day we struck out to choose mattresses and pick out a washing machine and dryer.

The final tally for the weekend: Main living room: one sofa, one comfy chair. Big fireplace room: two leather art deco style chairs with a footstool (to put by the big fireplace), one chaise lounge. Kitchen: dining table with six chairs. Bedroom one: wooden bed, two nightstands, a ginormous armoir. Bedroom two: iron bed, two nightstands, marble-topped chest. Bedroom three: two single iron beds, nightstand, normal-sized armoir, small desk and chair.

We still have several things we will need to buy, like tables, mirrors, lamps and assessories, but once August arrives, we should have enough of the basics in place to stay in the house.

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